You might need your computer’s serial number to speak to the manufacturer’s support helpdesk or declare the service warranty. Generally, the identification number gets on the service warranty card or the rear of the laptop. Depending upon the computer’s location, it could be difficult to locate the sticker label including the serial number.
You can also access the equipment’s biographies to obtain the serial number, yet that’s a prolonged procedure. Below is a very easy method for locating a computer’s serial number through CMD.
We will certainly additionally share a Powershell Command to get the Windows computer’s identification number.
1 Look For Command Prompt on the Windows search box.
2 Right-click on the CMD and choose Run as manager
3 On the Command Prompt Window, you require to get in the following command–
wmic biographies get SerialNumber
4 The command line will return with the identification number.
5 To locate the PC’s identification number via Powershell, run it as a manager and enter the command–
Get-WmiObject win 32 _ biographies|pick Serialnumber
This post explains how to locate a computer’s identification number by means of Command Trigger. Whenever you wish to know the serial number of your computer, you can comply with these basic actions. Allow us understand if you require more help on this topic in the comments.